SA - MINOS 1.0
SA-MINOS(TM), the Sensitivity Analysis package for use with MINOS, allows the user to create a sensitivity analysis reports on costs, right-hand sides, and even constraint matrix coefficients without putting much more effort into input than would be required with MINOS. By default, ranges are provided on all costs, all right hand sides, and all nonzero elements of the coefficient matrix. However, the knowledgeable user can easily modify this as described in the Appendix of the User's Guide.

Any scientific machine with a Fortran 77 compiler (mainframes, workstations or, PCs) and a copy of MINOS 5.4 or later.


Academic pricing is for Universities (or institutions that offer degrees for academic work). The prices are one-time fees for a perpetual license to use the current version of SA-MINOS. SA-MINOS requires you to own or purchase a license to use MINOS. The usage of SA-MINOS is governed by a license agreement; to obtain an agreement and order SA-MINOS, Click here.


SA - MINOS Prices (US$)
Single User
Dept / Site / Branch
University / Company / Agency - Wide
US Govt.
Combined SA - MINOS and IP - MINOS Prices (US$)
Single User
Dept / Site / Branch
University / Company / Agency - Wide
US Govt.


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