
DNOPT is a general-purpose system for constrained optimization. It minimizes a linear or nonlinear function subject to bounds on the variables and general linear or nonlinear constraints. It is suitable for linear and quadratic programming and for linearly constrained optimization, as well as for general nonlinear programs.

Hardware / Software / Interface

DNOPT is implemented as a library of Fortran 77 subroutines. The source code is compatible with all known Fortran 77, 90, and 95 compilers, and can be converted to C code by the f2c translator included with the distribution.

Key Benefits
All routines in DNOPT are intended to be re-entrant (as long as the compiler allocates local variables dynamically).
All routines may be used in a parallel or multi-threaded environment. They may also be called recursively.
Numerically stable algorithms. Finds local optimal solutions; often these are global optimal.
Needs only first derivatives.
Elastic mode capability.

General-purpose linear programming and nonlinear programming.
Engineering, Economics, Finance, Agricultural Economics.
Trajectory optimization, Optimal control, Robotics, Engineering design, Nonlinear networks, Trade models, Portfolio analysis, Spatial equilibrium.
DNOPT Prices (US$)
Single User
Dept / Site
University / Company - Wide
US Govt.
US Govt. Contractor

Prices / Sales

Academic pricing is for Universities (or institutions that offer degrees for academic work).  The prices are one-time fees for a perpetual license to use the current version of DNOPT.  The usage of DNOPT is governed by a license agreement.  To obtain an license agreement and order DNOPT, Click here.


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